unii dintre voi care nu prea va uitati la tv si mai ales pe Discovery, daca ati vedea o poza cu insula aia palmier din Dubai ati zice ca e facuta si aia in photoshop.
ma scuzati dar, va consider niste inculti si inchisi la minte dak credeti ca este fkta in photoshop. Credeti k peste tot e k in Romania ? iesiti din tara si o sa descoperiti k suntem fff in urma cu tehnologia, si app vedeti ca este un tunel prin kre traversezi oceanul cu masina;) .. noi nici 500 km de autostrada nu avem dak nu ma insel
The Øresund or Öresund Bridge (Danish: Øresundsbroen, Swedish: Öresundsbron, joint hybrid name: Øresundsbron) is a combined two-track rail and four-lane road bridge-tunnel across the Öresund strait. It is the longest combined road and rail bridge in Europe and connects the two metropolitan areas of the Öresund Region: the Danish capital of Copenhagen and the Swedish city of Malmö. The international European route E20 runs across the bridge and through the tunnel via the two lane motorway, as does the Öresund Railway Line. The construction of the Great Belt Fixed Link and the Øresund have connected mainland Europe to Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia. The bridge was designed by the Danish architectural practice Dissing+Weitling.
The reason for incurring the additional cost and complexity of building a tunnel instead of another section of bridge is to avoid obstructing aircraft from nearby Copenhagen Airport and to provide a clear path for shipping. The bridge crosses the border between Denmark and Sweden, but thanks to the Schengen Agreement and the Nordic Passport Union there are no passport controls. There are frequent customs checks at the toll booths for those entering Sweden but not for those entering Denmark.
In 1991 the Denmark and Swedish governments agreed to build a bridge to connect the two countries across Oresund. Later that year the two parliaments ratified the agreement and scheduled the design to be completed by 1994. The 16 km long Oresund link between Sweden and Denmark is now complete. At 6 am on August 14, 1999 the final section of the Oresund bridge was placed in position by the floating crane, “Svanen”. Six hours later, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark met on the bridge to mark the fact that Denmark and Sweden are linked once more – 7,000 years after the Ice Age when they were landlocked. The project opened to traffic during the summer of 2000.
The Oresund Bridge is the world’s longest single bridge carrying both road and railway traffic. In the design full advantage was taken of repetition by composing the major part of the bridge of identical spans. The high bridge with its record-breaking cable-stayed span of 490m is designed to harmonize both structurally and aesthetically with the approach bridges. In the construction phase the on-site activities were completed in just 2 1/2 years due to an extensive use of prefabrication and erection of large units. http://www.flickr.com/photos/victorriverola/4539161866/
Cum ziceam, voi credeti ca daca nu vedeti in romania asa ceva inseamna ca nu este nicaieri in lumea asta? Nu mai fiti frustrati, fiti logici in plm, rationati inainte sa dati drumu la vorbe doar ca sa tociti butoanele de la tastatura.
Bai tampon comentarist…informeazaa-te mai intai, cum am facuto eu, apoi da-ti peste gura, poza NU este reala ! este un prototip…o chestie gandita pentru viitor.
Este in Japonia, am vazut la TopGear cand Jeremy a testat noul Dayhatsu. Am ramas inmarmurit cand am vazut, e extrordinar ce pot oamenii aia sa faca!
ce tare e ……./:))
ce frumos sper sa se inece aia
unii dintre voi care nu prea va uitati la tv si mai ales pe Discovery, daca ati vedea o poza cu insula aia palmier din Dubai ati zice ca e facuta si aia in photoshop.
ba este posibil , un tunel asemanator face legatura intre germania si danemarca;)
ma scuzati dar, va consider niste inculti si inchisi la minte dak credeti ca este fkta in photoshop. Credeti k peste tot e k in Romania ? iesiti din tara si o sa descoperiti k suntem fff in urma cu tehnologia, si app vedeti ca este un tunel prin kre traversezi oceanul cu masina;) .. noi nici 500 km de autostrada nu avem dak nu ma insel
Sunteti cretini astia cu Japonia/China/Photoshop. Se numeste Oresund Bridge si face legatura dintre Danemarca si Suedia.
The Øresund or Öresund Bridge (Danish: Øresundsbroen, Swedish: Öresundsbron, joint hybrid name: Øresundsbron) is a combined two-track rail and four-lane road bridge-tunnel across the Öresund strait. It is the longest combined road and rail bridge in Europe and connects the two metropolitan areas of the Öresund Region: the Danish capital of Copenhagen and the Swedish city of Malmö. The international European route E20 runs across the bridge and through the tunnel via the two lane motorway, as does the Öresund Railway Line. The construction of the Great Belt Fixed Link and the Øresund have connected mainland Europe to Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia. The bridge was designed by the Danish architectural practice Dissing+Weitling.
The reason for incurring the additional cost and complexity of building a tunnel instead of another section of bridge is to avoid obstructing aircraft from nearby Copenhagen Airport and to provide a clear path for shipping. The bridge crosses the border between Denmark and Sweden, but thanks to the Schengen Agreement and the Nordic Passport Union there are no passport controls. There are frequent customs checks at the toll booths for those entering Sweden but not for those entering Denmark.
In 1991 the Denmark and Swedish governments agreed to build a bridge to connect the two countries across Oresund. Later that year the two parliaments ratified the agreement and scheduled the design to be completed by 1994. The 16 km long Oresund link between Sweden and Denmark is now complete. At 6 am on August 14, 1999 the final section of the Oresund bridge was placed in position by the floating crane, “Svanen”. Six hours later, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark met on the bridge to mark the fact that Denmark and Sweden are linked once more – 7,000 years after the Ice Age when they were landlocked. The project opened to traffic during the summer of 2000.
The Oresund Bridge is the world’s longest single bridge carrying both road and railway traffic. In the design full advantage was taken of repetition by composing the major part of the bridge of identical spans. The high bridge with its record-breaking cable-stayed span of 490m is designed to harmonize both structurally and aesthetically with the approach bridges. In the construction phase the on-site activities were completed in just 2 1/2 years due to an extensive use of prefabrication and erection of large units.
bla bla :))
e facut asa sa poata trece cu vapoarele si ce-o mai da domnu
maa dati un clic pe link si o sa vedeti e real nu photosop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKoe4l8I3gk&feature=related
E posibil sa existe! nu ma mai mira nimic
tunelu intre franta si inglaterra!!
sau suedia nu mai stiu sigur care :))
la suedezi mai exact…si da e real http://www.sport.ro/show/super-foto-podul-care-te-duce-direct-in-apa-vezi-super-iluzie-optica.html
e pe drk..nu ai auzit sau mai bine zis nu ati auzit ca intre Franta si inglaterra e un tunel???
Sigur nu`i photoshop ..tunele ca astea nu gasesti la noi ci la japonezi;) . Se vede ca Romania e o tara de… ce e mult in urma..fata de alte tari
Poate Romania este in urma, dar si altii sunt prea in fata;)
In Japonia este asa tunel
japonia frate, asa ajung ei la aeroport
nici vorba photosop,e ceva real::)
nu cred ca e photoshop!!!
Ce naiba frate? La voi tot ce e putin special/anormal trebuie sa fie facut neaparat in photoshop sau fake?
photoshop peste masura ;) dar este posibila treba..de ce nu ¿
Cum ziceam, voi credeti ca daca nu vedeti in romania asa ceva inseamna ca nu este nicaieri in lumea asta? Nu mai fiti frustrati, fiti logici in plm, rationati inainte sa dati drumu la vorbe doar ca sa tociti butoanele de la tastatura.
Bai tampon comentarist…informeazaa-te mai intai, cum am facuto eu, apoi da-ti peste gura, poza NU este reala ! este un prototip…o chestie gandita pentru viitor.
I-auzi. Eu spun doar atat “Oresund bridge”.
mai umblati prin lume sa vedeti ca noi suntem in epoca de piatra si restu in viitor:(…… nu ii de ras ci ii de plans…….
Georgel, dragă… Du-te şi te culcă! Ai obosit de la atâtea informaţii…
Vezi ca furi putin curent.
Scuze, era vorba de AlexandruDejaProst.
Asta sigur nu e Photoshop? :-? ..Daca nu e, e incredibila poza ;)